Public Relations

The state of the relationship between a company and the public.

What is Public Relations?

It’s the same as any other marketing techniques. Persuading an audience, whether that’s customers, prospects, employees, investors, partners, suppliers, press, news outlets or social media networks to recognize our brand’s idea, product or service, achievements and successes, in a positive light.

The catch is to do it through unpaid or earned communications like traditional media (such as newspapers, magazines, TV and radio), social media and events and appearances.

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Educational Classroom Journey: 1

As a proud student of Mr. Matthew, i pick up valuable marketing skills from him every time i am in his tutorial. He is one of the best marketeers i have ever seen. This semester, he is teaching us Public Relations, another one of his expertise. It is a fairly easy topic for students like…

Educational Classroom Journey: 2

The next thing we learnt in tutorial 2, was about about Public opinion resulting from PR campaigns. What is Public Opinion? Before joining the e-tutorial on MS Teams, i managed to grasp a basic understanding of what public opinion is from reading the e-lecture slides. Public opinion = Company’s stakeholder’s opinion, which includes Investors, consumers,…

Educational Classrooms Journey: 3

PR plan is like any other plans that we carry out prior to a project or a campaign. It just needs to be done. As simple as that. A public relations campaign is a mammoth task that is impossible to get perfectly right. It is very tough at the base itself. It requires tremendous effort…

Curate PR Objects: Part 1

Object 1: Singapore’s 2014 Anti-Gambling Advertisement (PAID) PESO CATEGORY: PAID SUB CATEGORY: TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING If you are a Singaporean, you would have definitely have seen this Advertisement before. From my experience, this is one of the most viral advertisement, Singapore has ever created in terms. Talk about a successful PR campaign eh? It is none…

Curate PR Objects: Part 2

4th Object: KFC’s Mozzarella Zinger Double down Article by Eatbook. (EARNED) PESO CATEGORY: EARNED SUB CATEGORY: BLOGGER OUTREACH Using Earned Media as a PR strategy is meant to amplify your content through your own audience. However, it can be tough because you do not have full control over your brand placement. The Media or Blogger…

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